Another year has gone by and I’m still blogging! Wohoooo! How am I celebrating? By editing images from my trip to Stockholm and maybe watching some Downton Abbey. Yes, I need to work on my partying skills. Next year I’m definitely going make a cake!
A lot has happened during the past 12 months. I turned the big 3-0 and hitting that milestone made me think a lot about what I want for my future. I’ve always had goals but I now feel that they’re clearer in my head. I’ve also done a bit of travelling which is something I know I want to do a whole lot more of. I finally bought a better camera and slowly learning how to use it.
So what are my goals for the next year? To manage my time better so I have more time for my creative projects. I want to improve my photographing skills and write even better inspiring and witty posts.  I also want to be brave enough to take more risks, whether it’s posting something personal or contacting a potential client.
So here’s to an educational and adventurous year, I hope the next one will be even more challenging and transformative!


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